Provide tips on filtering
This how to will focus on the Accounting module however, these techniques can be applied across the entire system
If you regularly have a lot of bills, you may want to set up some additional filters. Before getting into the batch payment detail, here are some filtering tips to help find just what you need.
Apply the Unpaid filter
Apply a custom filter for unpaid bill on or before a given date
By default, each page will display only 80 lines. In many cases, there are much more than that. Follow this procedure to see all lines on a single page.
Click on the number to the left of the “/”
Increase the number to something equal to or greater then the number to the right
8000 has been entered. The 8000 will become the maximum – 1548 in this case.
Just a few basic tips have been provided. This blog will be updated from time to time so be sure to check in again for any new content.