Odoo - Create a Purchase Order

    Create a Purchase Order

    From the Purchase module dashboard, select CREATE under Request for Quotation.

    1. Select the Vendor (supplier)

    2. Set the deadline date

    3. Select the products, quantities, and unit price

    Note: Some of these fields may be auto populated according to your purchase history.

    This Draft Purchase Order (RFQ) can now be sent to the vendor via email, Printed and sent via post, or, if no input is needed from the vendor, it can be Confirmed immediately.

    Click on CONFIRM ORDER to convert the RFQ into a Purchase Order (PO)

    Spruce It Up

    Add some sections and notes to your purchase orders

    To add a section

    Click on Add a section

    The image below has 2 sections added: Table Tops and Legs

    Use the position buttons (double headed arrows) to drag the section to where you would like them

    Here, we have moved Table Tops to the top and Legs to just above the legs line.

    Add a Note

    Click on Add a note

    Then write your message

    Here is the finished purchase order with sections and notes

    SAVE and send it to the vendor.

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Supplier Delivery