Odoo Accounting - Reconcile an ABA Batch Payment

To demonstrate how to reconcile batch payments in Odoo.


A batch ABA file has been process by the bank.

If Online Synchronisation is turned on, bank statements will be automatically uploaded for you. If not, a manual upload will be required each time reconciliation is required. The statement will contain single line for each batch.

In this how to, a bank statement has already been manually uploaded

Here’s how the batch looks in Odoo

NOTE: Keep in mind that Odoo has an artificial intelligence engine and over time may auto reconcile for you.

Reconcile a Batch Payment

Now that the batch payment has been made and the bank statement has been uploaded into Odoo, the Bank card on the Accounting dashboard reports RECONCILE 1 ITEMS


The reconciliation window is looking for the counterpart to the $142.39 payment. As this was a batch payment, select the Batch Payment tab.

NOTE: The Batch Payment tab will not appear if any partner is selected. Ensure that the Select Partner field is blank.

Select the Batch Payments tab

Select the correct batch counterpart and the reconciliation is ready for validation


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